
how to delete unity projects

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  1. I can not find a way to delete projects from the Unity Hub. Is there a way to do this?

    Thanks for any help with this.

  2. mathieub


    Unity Technologies

    Jun 28, 2017
    Hello @mwsheeler ,

    Currently this is not possible within the Hub, but the feature is already in our backlog.

  3. ok thanks mathieub...can't wait.
  4. bocs


    May 9, 2009
    really wish this would be added...but here is an old solution that still works (for windows)

    download the app by ARKMs..

    close hub, run app, delete projects you don't want to see, run hub

  5. Works like a charm...thanks bocs. Really nice to have.
  6. This is odd! If there is an external app, how come there is no internal app? This feature is desired for over 5+ years.
  7. kayy


    Jul 26, 2011
    I managed to do this by opening the Unity version executable directly from Explorer / Finder e.g. "C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor\2018.3.8f1\Editor". The old Unity Open Project popup appears with a cleaned project list.
    Quit Unity without opening, reopen Unity Hub et voilĂ 
  8. How long is this backlog? I feel like this feature was promised over a year ago and I don't think it's a terribly difficult thing to implement. Is there a roadmap we can see? It feels like everything we've gotten since the 1.0.0 release has primarily bugfixes, but that was back in September. This feels like a pretty simple QoL fix.
  9. Barring a fix for this problem anytime in the near future could you [Unity] provide the location where Hub stores the Projects list? That way we could go in and edit it directly to remove old projects. It gets REALLY old scrolling through lists of old projects just to get to what you want.
  10. What do you mean by "old projects"? Projects that you no longer work on but you don't want to delete? If so, to make them disappear from the list, you'd just need to move them from their current directory to a new one. :)
  11. 2.0 beta 3 still can't remove projects from the list
  12. I'm still looking for that list; it's obviously somewhere on my computer. If it's editable, removing projects from the list should be easy.
  13. mgruv


    May 14, 2015
    Typical...They start a million projects and ever finish anything.
  14. Hi Unity Team,
    it is quite embarrassing that this feature is still missing and everyone has to delete it manually in the registry.... As it is quite normal to reorganize your folder structure from time to time or you just started a temporary project for testing purposes and deleted it afterwards... this is a absolute basic feature. I really wonder how you can publish the unity hub without it.. it's like programming something good, but forgot the start button.

    Sorry for this - maybe a little non constructive - feedback, but I really can't believe for how long I always see the answer: It is planned and will come soon. In all outher matters I'm a real fan of Unity and would like to use the Unity hub too... some day...

    Cheers and so long

  15. If you created a project and deleted it; it will automatically disappear from the list in the Hub. All you have to do is quitting the Hub from the tray.

    Deleting the list in the registry is not that much of a pain if you bookmark the place (in "Favourite"). ;)

  16. so i just updated to 2.0.0 on linux, and this is still not possible even with the new UI. Anyone know where UnityHub stores the project list on linux?
  17. Yet another feature that doesn't work properly in Unity. Why would you even consider not have the option to remove a project? How dumb!
  18. It's not like it would be completely impossible to remove projects from the list since:
    1. you can delete your projects in the Explorer/Finder,
    2. Unity Hub updates itself accordingly after you have removed a project; just don't forget to quit it from the tray,
    3. you can edit the registry, if you are fussy about how clean your registry must be.
    Anyway, the team is working on removing the registry key and storing the list in a text/json file, easier to edit. Then, there will probably have a "delete project" directly in the Hub.

    If you know how to do that, you can contact them and offer your help. :)

  19. Not sure about you but I work full time with Unity, have done for over 5 years. It's little things like this that add up, continually having to do all these hacks. It's becoming a nightmare.

    "Lets make a Hub to allow people to create and manage their projects"
    "Yeah, but lets leave out a delete function, that makes sense...."

  20. Yeah, maybe deleting projects doesn't make much sense either?
  21. Want this feature! Should have been a standard feature from the beginning, IMO.
  22. + 1 pretty please with cherries on top!
  23. +1

    At least let us remove it from the list...

  24. In the new Hub (2.0.1, MacOS), I selected project->Reveal in Finder and then deleted the directory from within the finder. After restarting the Hub the project is removed from the list.
    HungPark and mystert like this.
  25. +1.

    If the Hub's intention is to simplify the management of projects and installs, then the inclusion of "Delete from Disk" and "Remove from Hub" options would be extremely helpful. :)

  26. This is how things work by default. Deleting directly from the Hub should come in later versions though; more practical, one click only. :)
  27. I just did the same thing.
  28. " "

    Hi, mbolstad,

    Thank you very much.
    I deleted my project file cleanly with your help.
    Thank you again.

  29. I really need this feature, Unity Hub's project list is just going to be messier and messier if I can't remove projects from project list. Can't believe that Unity Hub doesn't have this functionality.
  30. Please get this going. I've got about 100 projects to scroll through now. I'm not deleting them or moving the dir because they're linked to git repos. Just store them in a JSON file. Not sure why this is so hard to do. We have to manually add projects. I'm OK with removing them from a json file (even better in my opinion as I could potentially have multiple JSON files for what "mode" I'm in... personal projects, opens source projects, or work projects).
  31. safaGH


    Unity Technologies

    Mar 12, 2019
    Hello everyone !
    The "Remove a Project" feature is coming with the version 2.1 of the hub. So it's very soon :)
  32. Until they release the new hub: Just move or remove the project directory from the folder and restart the Hub. They will disappear.
    I'm wondering how did you work before the hub then. This functionality was never part of the project handling...
  33. Do we have a release window, or is this the usual Unity "when it's done haha jk we pushed the feature back until Hub 3.0?"
  34. safaGH


    Unity Technologies

    Mar 12, 2019
    @Murgilod ,
    We are estimating the release of the 2.1 to early August.
  35. This is a terrible UX design, how can you be able to only add project, but can't delete them? That's like driving a car without a break. BTW, in order to open a project, user have to add it to the list first, then open it, god!
    sramana and JeeJee85 like this.
  36. They already said multiple times its being added, with literally the last post before yours being official post from staff saying when its coming out, yet you still came here to make your only comment ever on these forums complaining about the already easy to get around issue that is being fixed?
  37. In Unity Hub 2.0.4, if you delete a project, you just need to open the unity hub once, then try to find it by clicking the 3 little dots, and thne when you get the message saying it wasn't found, just restar the unity hub and it'll be gone.
  38. It its there now in 2.1.0! Thanks UT!
  39. No, because the Hub was incredibly rushed, incomplete and buggy. You can't even open Unity without this stupid hub and because it's so buggy, when it screws up, you just can't work, period.

    Even with the new version where is supposedly works, as soon as you restart unity hub, they are all back again... so no, it still doesn't work

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 8, 2019
  40. I just made a quick test and it works for me.
  41. I have a screen recording of me deleting everything from the list, then restarting hub and they are all back again... tried to use the bug reporter to upload it but that doesn't work either... I have screen shots of the bug reporter bugging out too

    In the screen recording, the first couple of times it works because Unity is open in the background. When I also close the open Unity instance, that's where the bug is visible

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 8, 2019
  42. Hi @Manoadamro,

    Thank you for reporting this. It seems the editor is overriding the recent projects list. We'll address this as soon as possible. As for your issue with the Bug Reporter could you explain what is going wrong?


  43. The bug is reproducing now here too. Every time I install or uninstall a Unity version I lose my current list of projects and an old list of projects is restored. Unity Hub v2.1.0 on MacOS Mojave.
  44. Don't you just love it when Unity Team rolls out a new feature that's so jank that the community has to teach each other how to disable it? Unity Hub is the kind of product that just wasn't possible back before Unity Team started putting ex- AAA publishing company executives in charge of Unity's development. And I can't wait to see what other innovative new surprise "features" they sneak into Hub once it's been force-installed onto everybody's systems!
  45. New user, just got started with some tutorials.... would like to delete some of the trash projects ;)

    Workaround confirmed: Deleting project folder does remove the project from the Unity Hub list.

    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 21, 2020
  46. Poor customer service - check!
  47. bugwar


    Mar 21, 2021
    Any luck with deleting projects?

how to delete unity projects


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